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Shipping & Returns

Shipping Policy

Food of Japan uses Royal Mail 48 Tracked for all orders. Shipping is limited to UK only for now.

Returns Policy

Should any items received be damaged in transit or you have any order discrepancies, you have 48 hours upon receipt of the goods to notify us. After this we reserve the right to not issue a refund. All items purchased are non-refundable. We, as a business, do not accept the term of items bought on a “sale or return basis”. Any items to be returned must only be returned once you have informed us of doing so. Any items that are returned must be done so in their original packaging and must be sent to us in fine condition. If not, we reserve the right to not issue a refund. However, should you not be satisfied with any goods you have received, please let us know so that we can find a suitable solution. 

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